Should my Sterling, VA home water be tested

Do you, like most people who live in Sterling, Virginia, often ask yourself, “Should My Sterling, VA, Home

Do you, like most people who live in Sterling, Virginia, often ask yourself, “Should My Sterling, VA, Home Water Be Tested?” If so, you’re not alone. It’s conceivable that several issues you’ve been experiencing that are associated with your household water inspired you to ask such a question. You could have, for instance, overheard a neighbor expressing concern about the safety and quality of the water delivered to them at their home.

As a matter of fact, there is no way to know if the water in your home is safe for human consumption unless you have it tested by skilled specialists. So, remember that you and your family might be jeopardizing your health if you drink water straight from the tap without first testing whether the water is safe to drink.

To put it another way, you risk developing a wide variety of potentially fatal diseases, including damage to your kidneys, liver, and brain, and the likelihood of developing cancer. If, on the other hand, you collaborate with highly experienced professionals such as Joiner Micro Labs, you can have the peace of mind of knowing that your water is tested in great detail. Let’s revisit the question you raised early in our conversation, shall we?

Should My Sterling, VA, Home Water Be Tested?

As was mentioned before, the presence of several chemical contaminants in the water supply you use has the potential to, over time, cause serious health problems. The fact that the symptoms of these disorders cannot manifest for many years after the first exposure to the pollutant presents the most significant danger. As a result, by the time the sickness is recognized, you can already be in a precarious situation regarding your health, making treatment more difficult.

The following is a list of common issues that our laboratory often discovers in the samples of drinking water sent to us by our clients.

  1. Ions

There is a potential that specific ions present in your house’s water supply, such as chloride, magnesium, or others, are to blame for the unique odor and taste of the water. Performing an ion concentration analysis is required to establish whether these ions are present in the water supply you use.

  1. Sulfates 

We always prioritize sulfate testing since there is a link between excessive sulfate in your water source and gastrointestinal troubles.

  1. Dissolved Solids

We will test the water sample you sent to determine whether it contains dissolvable solids. If you drink your well water and notice an unpleasant aftertaste, it may have a high concentration of dissolved solids.

  1. Fluoride 

The amount of fluoride that is present in a particular water sample may be calculated with the use of this test. When fluoride levels are higher than expected, there is a possibility that oral health may deteriorate.

Are you thinking about getting a water test done on your water source? If this is the case, kindly provide your information by filling out the contact form on our website. You may be sure that one of our trained specialists will contact you as soon as possible.

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