If you live in the countryside, you’re certainly living too far from the municipal water supply, and so you must be depending on a well on your property for your daily water supply. Most of the time, when compared to the city water, well water is amazing. However, this may not always be true because sometimes there are possibilities for the water table to become contaminated. In such cases, the water coming out of your well can also make you sick.
Most people often don’t care much about the quality of water they consume unless there is a significant, obvious problem due to drinking contaminated water. This is not the right thing to do. Instead, we recommend you to do private water testing in Nokesville, VA, so that you can be sure of what’s exactly in your water and have peace of mind.
If you’re worried that your well water is making someone in your family sick, we can help you to determine whether your worries have any good reason by testing your tap water for the pollutant in question. Once this is done, you can be sure whether the sickness is really due to the contaminated water or something else and focus on the other cause.
We offer three different water tests for detecting the presence of pollutants. These are:
Nitrates – If you are living in the countryside where there’s a lot of agricultural activity, your well water might have high concentrations of nitrates. In such cases, you need to test the level of nitrates in your drinking water.
Total Coliform Bacteria – This is also a critical water test you should do if you are living on well water because Coliform bacteria is one of the leading causes of digestive illnesses. If you or anyone in your family has chronic gastrointestinal issues, the contaminated drinking water may be the reason. This test will help you to either confirm the presence of Coliform bacterial or lets you rule it out. Keep in mind that this is only a standard water safety test. If the sample you send us fails this test, then it will be further tested for E-Coli bacteria presence.
Lead – Lead poisoning was what happened with Flint, Michigan’s water supply. There, lead was introduced to the drinking water people consume by automotive plants in the area. However, this is not the only way in which lead poisoning can occur. For example, if you live in an old house with old water pipes, lead can also leech in from these pipes to your drinking water.
If you are doubtful about the water quality you use at your home, make use of our private water testing in Nokesville, VA. All you have to do is give us a call and we will be happy to help you.