Having your water tested is as simple as...
Call Us
Talk to a technician to see what test you need.
Collect Sample
We will provide the appropriate sample container for your needs.
Submit Sample
Drop sample off at our lab or one of our convenient locations.
Receive Results
We provide timely results using your delivery method of choice.

Is Your Water Safe to Drink?
The EPA & Health Department Recommend You Have Your Water Tested Annually For…
- Total Coliform Bacteria
New Well Owners – Test Now and Again in 3 Years For…
- Lead
- Nitrates/Nitrites
Keep your family safe and healthy by having your home’s water tested today!

Need help selecting the right water test? View our guide today!
A Virginia NELAP Accredited Laboratory
This video outlines important components of water wells and recommendations for testing water quality, and if needed, remediating problems.
Basic septic system function, care and maintenance is also covered. Brought to you by the Virginia Department of Health and Virginia Household Water Quality Program.